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Thank you so much for taking the time to look into the Marion Lawrence Foundation! 

My name is Corinne Landauer, I founded this organization in 2015 because quite frankly our youth need more positive things to do.


We see that need and look to fill that void with one of the things I know best,  music. I was introduced to music by my grandparents before the age of 1. Archie, an opera singer and Marion, his classical accompaniment. They took me to hundreds of hours (and I DO mean hundreds of hours, of rehearsals & performances and I developed a love for music that has never left me. I've been very fortunate to have music and musical opportunities around me, I honestly don't know where I'd be without them and I want to help inspire a new generation by providing as many upstanding musical opportunities as I possibly can. I can't wait to see what beautiful music we can create together!







I'm always looking for people to help us advance Malafo's goals. Think that might be you? Let's connect.

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